Jupiter Farms Residents Podcast
Jupiter Farms, YOUR community has its very own podcast. The Jupiter Farms Residents PODCAST! Of course, JFR has monthly community meetings, and we regularly interact on our Facebook page and there's also our e-Newsletter. Yet we keep hearing from people wanting to hear MORE about our community. To answer that, we’ve decided to do a monthly podcast to keep you even more informed about what’s going on in "The Farms." Sure, we’ll hit all the basics, “When is the hoedown?” “When do the Christmas Trees go on pre-sale?” “When is the next meeting?” – but we hope to bring you a lot more. Many times, an email or a post can get missed – our messages have a lot of competition out there, so we want to meet you where YOU are - and for most of us that’s on our mobile phones.So, whether you’re an experienced podcaster or not quite sure where to get them – don’t worry. If you’re reading this, you’re in the right spot. Just hit the subscribe button wherever you got this podcast and you’re good. Every episode we release will come to you absolutely free.Thanks for listening! And please don’t forget to hit that subscribe button and tell your friends and neighbors about this exciting new addition to our community.
Jupiter Farms Residents Podcast
Meet Jupiter Inlet District Commissioner Mike Martinez!
October 01, 2020
Someone Talked Media
Season 2
Episode 10
Welcome to season 2, episode 10 of the Jupiter Farms Residents Podcast! This month we have Matt, Jillian, Kristen and... Susan on deck. Our very special guest is Mike Martinez one of the three commissioners of the Jupiter Inlet District.
Believe it or not Mike represents YOU and if you're not sure what the Jupiter Inlet District is or what it does, you're in for a real treat (no tricks, we promise)!
But seriously, if you're interested in boating, environmental health of the beach and the rivers - this podcast is for you.